Day 5 – Flying to Japan

I had a horrendous night’s sleep – two hours at best – which may or may not help with the jet lag I was about to encounter on our 12 hour flight through 9 time zones.  Needless to say, I was feeling TIRED…

I packed the final items in my case and closed it, not realising how heavy it was – as I tried to pick it up, one of handles snapped under the weight… a perfect start to the journey!


We’d arranged to meet Carl and Simone at the airport at 9.45am, which meant we had to leave Simon’s house at 8.30am to catch a train there.  When we arrived at the airport, we found out that we’d been identified as “Unique Passengers” by Virgin Atlantic, and so one of their representatives came to fast-track us through security – I was starting to feel like a rock star!  The flight was good, I slept a bit and worked on a magazine article for the rest of the time – 12 hours well spent.

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